You’re invited | Event Photography

Birthday Parties, Children Photography, Event Photography, Uncategorized

You’re invited to a sweet french themed birthday party

party invite french themed

Welcome. Bonjour.

welcome guests with a bonjour sign

l’amour de l’art Patisserie

hanging flowers from baby jars. Patisserie menu written with chalk on black slate boards

teal rose cake for french themed party

mini fruit tarts at french party

bite sized cookies at french themed party

rose cake teal with chocolate shavings on top

Stained glass activity

stained glass activity for french themed party

Photo Booth

eiffel tower painted on big cardboard box for photo booth

young artists painting by the Eiffel Tower

art center for young art lovers at french themed party

young artists paint by the eiffel tower ;) at a french themed party                                                                                                                         

Party favors        

home made cookies

eiffel tower cookies teal french themed party

eiffel tower cookies teal french themed party

bookmarks, mini notebooks and pocket french-to-english translators

party favors french themed party

party favors at french themed party for art lovers

pocket sized french to english translator as party favor. french themed party

take home boxes for goodies from the patisserie

take home boxes for goodies from the patisserie

Merci for joining us

merci! french themed party

Sharing is appreciated, feel free to share! If you have any questions about recipes, how-to’s on anything from this party please don’t hesitate to ask. Everything at this party was made by me and my girls, and I would be happy to share what we learned along the way.

Contact me at 571-308-9101 or symak(dot)photography(at)gmail(dot)com if you have any questions or if you would like me to photograph your events. You can also message me on Syma K. Photography